July 2024

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Financial Strategies & Divorce

History tells us about half of marriages in Canada end in divorce. Andrew and Sara are about to end theirs and are concerned about the changes that will have to be made to their financial and estate plans. Some financial and estate issues they need to consider are:

Life Insurance – The first thing that needs to be done is a review of the beneficiary designations. If there are children, they may be the new beneficiaries and trustees will be needed if they are minors. This will affect both personal plans and group benefits. When one parent is responsible for child support payments, new life insurance may be needed to cover this obligation.

After the sale of their house, Andrew and...

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Estimating Retirement Expenses

By far one of the most crucial financial strategy steps is accurately estimating retirement expenses. Correctly accounting for retirement living expenses is critical to ensuring that retirees do not outlive their money. For those already retired, there are usually few good options for creating new income sources later in life.

Getting retirement spending projections correct is both an art and a science. To deal effectively in planning for future retirement needs, a financial professional can help determine the best course of action.

Early into her teaching career, Sheila started working with a financial advisor who helped her plan ahead for a comfortable retirement. She learned...

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We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them.

Albert Einstein

Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (ACPI) is regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (www.iiroc.ca) and member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (www.cipf.ca). The information contained in this publication has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by Aligned Capital Partners Inc., its affiliates or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. All opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author, as of the date of this publication, and subject to change without notice. Opinions expressed in this publication should not be viewed as legal, accounting or tax advice or individually tailored investment advice. This material is prepared for general circulation to clients and has been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. Products or services referenced may not be suitable for you and it is recommended that you consult your advisor if you are in doubt about the suitability of such investments or services. This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Investment products are provided through ACPI and include, but are not limited to, mutual funds, stocks, and bonds. All non-securities related business conducted by Myron Dietrich is not in his capacity as an agent of ACPI. Non-securities related business includes, without limitation, fee-based financial planning services; estate and tax planning; tax return preparation services; advising in or selling any type of insurance product; any type of mortgage service. Accordingly, ACPI is not providing and does not supervise any of the above noted activities and you should not rely on ACPI for any review of any non-securities services provided by Myron Dietrich. Past performance is not indicative of future performance and future returns are not guaranteed. No matter contained in this document may be reproduced or copied by any means without the prior consent of the author or ACPI.

Myron Dietrich Calgary
350 – 7 Ave SW Suite 2902, Calgary, AB T2P 3N9
Ph: (403) 452-6652